The Sack of the Landsknechts and the challenge with Terni signed, for Narni, the first century of the Modern Age of which followed a reconstruction period during which affirmed those families who gave to the town the actual aspect.

Narni in the Modern Age.

With the loss of political autonomy began a first phase of economic and cultural decadence in which was inserted the sad episode of the sack of the Landsknechts in July 1527 when the troops of the Prince of Orange entered Narni with the plague.

The town wasn’t destroyed but the human losses were notable. 

Following some authors the Landsknechts were helped by the people of Terni, from that day  the contrast among the two towns increasing, until in 1529 pope Clement VII asked to stops the hostility, and in 1531, the same pope, to facilitate the reconstruction of Narni threatened to excommunicate anyone who still damaged the city. 

In the following years the survivors started the reconstruction and some illustrious citizens , linked to the noble families of Narni – the Arca, the Cardoli, the Eroli, the Cesi and the Sacripante – gave back big prestige to the town. 

Works such as the Altar, the Confession and the Crypt and the splendid Chapel of Santa Lucia both made inside the Cathedral thanks to the help of the cardinal Giuseppe Sacripante, are here to testify it. 

From the half of 1700 was even made the Court of Sant’Uffizio in the undergrounds of the Dominican convent – today’s Narni Underground.

In 1664 was made the Municipality’s Library , today in the Eroli Palace.

In the first years of 1700 was made the hospice Hospice of Jesus and Mary and a few years later the Orphanage of Narni , today’s complex of the Santa Lucia in Piazza Galeotto Marzio.

In 1707 – in Stifone – started the construction of an ironwork, which was transformed in 1890 into a power station.

Cappella della Beata Lucia con le tele del Trevisani nella Cattedrale di San Giovenale a Narni

What to know about Narni.

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