Category: Itinerary

The Formina Hiking Trail is a itinerary among history and nature which retrace back, from Narni to Sant’Urbano, the trace of the ancient Roman Aqueduct of Formina on a street probably traveled by Francesco which often used to find peace in the Speco of Sant’Urbano. The ancient Roman Aqueduct Formina Hiking Trail. The hike starts […]

The hiking trail that from Narni takes to the Gole del Nera is a suggestive ring circuit about 11 kilometers which starts from the old town, arrives into the Gole del Nera and, after passing in Stifone, goes back to the mountain until the medieval Pietra Gate. Hiking trail from Narni to the Gole del […]

The long itinerary discovering Narni is taught as walking about 2 hours (if you want to visit the monuments the time will be longer , about 4 hours) among the most important attractions of the city with departure and return in Piazza Garibaldi. If you have less time available, you can choose a shorter walk. […]

The short itinerary to discover Narni is a walk of about 1 hour (if you visit the monuments the time becomes 3 hours and a half) among the most important attractions of the city with departure and return to Piazza Garibaldi. If you have more time available, you can choose a longer walking: Long itinerary […]

Narni preserves interesting places and monuments, the urban hiking into the old town is made to discover all of this and is for everybody. Urban Hiking in Narni: a walk into the old town. After parking the car in the Suffraggio parking lot, through elevators and after some walking it is easy to reach Piazza […]