L'antica Abbazia di Sant'Angelo in Massa a poca distanza da Taizzano

The ancient Abbey of Sant’Angelo in Massa rises above a hill not far from Taizzano, on the Via Tiberina towards Borgaria. The Abbey of Sant’Angelo in Massa. The structure was built on the place that was occupied by an ancient roman residence of the emperor Antonino, as evidenced by inscriptions and archeological remains found there.  […]

La Chiesa di San Michele Arcangelo a Schifanoia

The wonderful and ancient Church of San Michele the Archangel rises on a little hill not far from what was the castle of Schifanoia. The Church of San Michele Arcangelo along the Way of the Protomartyrs. Today the church is a suggestive work in Romanesque architecture, but in ancient times it must have been one […]

Vista aerea dell'Abbazia di San Cassiano a Narni

Built in a hard location to reach, on the slopes of the Santa Croce mountain, the Abbey Benedectine of San Cassiano is a fortified structure which dominates the Via Flaminia and the underlying river of Nera. The Abbey of San Cassiano which observes Narni from the opposite mountain. Placed to control the passage on the […]

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