Palazzo dei Priori di Narni

For the particular architecture and the elements which compound it, the Priori Palace of Narni is one of the most beautiful monuments of Umbria.  The door, the little loggia of the auctioneer – where even today is made the reads of the “lo banno” with which it starts the Corsa all’Anello – the civic tower […]

Gli affreschi della chiesa rupestre di Santa Maria della Rupe, prima sala del percorso di Narni Sotterranea a Narni in Umbria

More than a complex of churches and hypogeal ambience, Narni Underground is a story: the history of its incredible discovery in 1979 and the events that made it one of the most charming places of Italy. Narni Underground and a history that starts from its incredible discovery. Were some guys of the speleological group of […]

Testa di barbaro su sarcofago romano di II secolo Palazzo Eroli a Narni

The presence of a travertine statue of a lion, once guarding a tomb – late republican, first imperial – welcomes us in the hall of Palazzo Eroli which, on the first floor, preserves the archaeological collection of the museum. The archeological section of the museum of Narni in Eroli Palace The museum preserves several remains […]

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Comune di Narni

Piazza dei Priori, 1 – 05035 Narni (TR)

Tel. 0744.7471 Fax 0744.715270

P.IVA 00178930558 IBAN IT40G0631572711000080000325

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