Category: What to see

The tower which today rises along on the hill which dominates the flow of Nera river, represents the only surviving of what in the past was the Castle of Bufone. The lonely tower of the Castle of Bufone. The ancient castle and its tower were built on a hill that controlled the course of the […]

The Church of Santa Maria Annunziata, parish of Guadamello, overlooks a picturesque square with a view of the valley. The Church of Santa Maria Annunziata in Guadamello. There are no definite indications about the construction of this church, but it is believed that it may have been the castle chapel built between the 10th and […]

The former castle of Guadamello rises on a spur of rock which dominates the lake of San Liberato and its naturalistic oasis. L’antico castello di Guadamello di Narni. The name of Guadamello should come, as the others names of the castles of this part of Umbria – including the nearest Gualdo – from the longobardic […]

The particular Church of Sant’Andrea Apostolo, with its belltower slender in the sky, rises in the old town of Capitone, of which it is the principal religious building. The church of Capitone. As it is for the castle which preserves it, we don’t know exactly when the church was built. The first document which mentioned […]

The ancient castle of Capitone, residence of the homonymous family, because of its strategic position on the border was always contested by Narni and Amelia. The ancient castle of the Capitone family. The town, located on a hill, still shows its medieval defensive system with walls, towers that tell the pride and the will for […]

The Church of Santa Pudenziana is certainly one of the most evocative Romanesque structures in Italy: a place not to be missed for all lovers of art and history visiting southern Umbria. The beauty of the Church of Santa Pudenziana, former Santa Maria in Visciano. The church is located in the beautiful countryside of Narni […]

The pretty Church of Santi Silvestro e Feliciano is located in the highest part of the ancient castle of Borgaria and its entrance overlooks a square where you can enjoy a magnificent view. The Church of the Saints Silvestro and Feliciano in Borgaria. The religious building was built in the same period of the village […]

The village of Borgaria, once a medieval castle, is suspended on a hill overlooking the passage between Vigne and Taizzano. The ancient castle of Borgaria. The castle is mentioned for the first time in 1191 in the register of entries of the Diocese of Narni, but has much more ancient origins due to the several […]

The Church of Santa Maria della Cerqua takes its name from the secular cerqueto on the hill crossed by the street which from Narni leads to Capitone. Tradition says that , in 1576, on an oak tree was found a marble bas-relief of Madonna col Bambino which was considered miraculous. The Church of Santa Maria […]

14 km far from Narni and places on a hill of 600 meter reachable through a tortuous trail of great landscape interest, the Sacred Cave of San Francesco arises on these places where Francesco used to go to pray and is one of the most important sanctuaries of Italy. The Sacred Speco of San Francesco, […]