La chiesa di San Martino nella campagna di Taizzano

The Church of San Martino, surrounded by oaks in the countryside of Taizzano is a unique place and out of time. The Church of San Martino in Taizzano. Maybe built on a pre-existed pagan temple, for the finding of some stone material in the area, the building has a structure dating between the end of […]

L'antica Abbazia di Sant'Angelo in Massa a poca distanza da Taizzano

The ancient Abbey of Sant’Angelo in Massa rises above a hill not far from Taizzano, on the Via Tiberina towards Borgaria. The Abbey of Sant’Angelo in Massa. The structure was built on the place that was occupied by an ancient roman residence of the emperor Antonino, as evidenced by inscriptions and archeological remains found there.  […]

Facciata della Chiesa dei SS Maria Annunziata e Silvestro di Taizzano

The Church of the Saints Maria Annunziata and Silvestro, with its original bipartite structure, rises in the highest point of Taizzano. The Church of Taizzano dedicated to the Saints Maria Annunziata and Silvestro. The building, recently restored, dates between the end of 1440 and the first half of 1500. Particular is its structure with two […]

Ingresso all'antico castello di Taizzano

The old castle of Taizzano is located along the Via Tiberina, just above the village of Stifone and the emerald course of the Nera river. The former castle of Taizzano. Since before the Romans and also after that, the territory of Taizzano must have been useful to Nequinum (Narni before the Roman age) as point […]

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