I resti del Ponte di Augusto a Narni

In addition to the famous Augustus Bridge, there are several Roman bridges within the territory of Narni, and it is nice to rediscover them through a tour along the path of the ancient Via Flaminia that hosts them. A tour discovering the Roman bridges from Narnia to Carsulae. In Narni the Via Flaminia divided its […]

Tel. +39 351 2385302 / 800 266 300 narni@archeoares.com

Comune di Narni

Piazza dei Priori, 1 – 05035 Narni (TR)

Tel. 0744.7471 Fax 0744.715270

P.IVA 00178930558 IBAN IT40G0631572711000080000325

Posta certificata: comune.narni@postacert.umbria.it